The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)

The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE) – previously The Engineering Society of Hong Kong – was founded in 1947. In 1975, the Institution of Engineers, was incorporated under the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Ordinance, Chapter 1105 of the Laws of Hong Kong. Today the HKIE has over 30,000 members, of which more than 16,000 are Corporate Members.

The Institution aims to bring together engineers of different disciplines for their common good. The HKIE is committed to upholding the quality of membership, and sets standards for the training and admission of engineers from 21 engineering disciplines. It also has strict rules governing members’ conduct and is dedicated to raising the ethical standards of professional engineers in Hong Kong. The HKIE encourages the 19 divisions to hold regular activities to keep members abreast of the latest engineering developments and also provide opportunities for their continuing professional development.

As a professional body championing engineering excellence, the HKIE prides itself on being a proactive social citizen by not only nominating members to serve on various external boards and committees of Government Departments and higher education institutions, but also by providing timely and constructive comments and professional advice on the Government’s consultation papers. The engineering profession has one seat representing the Engineering Functional Constituency in the Legislative Council through which views of the profession can be expressed to the Government.

The HKIE has established close relationship with engineering institutions throughout the world and has signed agreements for reciprocal recognition of professional qualifications and agreements of co-operation with engineering authorities and other organisations worldwide.

19 Engineering Divisions